Sunday, January 20, 2008

Fall 07 Report

As the mercury drops a little into the fall, so does the temperature of the real estate market. The edge has disappeared a little in the past few weeks, although often this time of year, there is a lag between kids going back to school and Mum and Dad home shopping again. I would expect activity to pick up a little into October before we see most people hunker down for the end of the year.

In our last Insider Report we beat up a little on reacting to news in the short term, and we are happy to report that stock markets are recovered from the crash that was so gloomy to so many, interest rates have not been adjusted and the dollar is the strongest it has been for 30 years!

The local Real Estate board has been reporting increases in sales volume both dollar and unit wise for the fall on a month over month comparison last year. CMHC is predicting housing prices will continue to rise at a calmer rate than we have seen and the sun continues to shine on the Okanagan.

In the mean time, the out of town investors looking at purchasing resort property in the Okanagan, buoyed by all these stats often find it hard to get accurate information to make their decision such as… What are rentals like at that resort? How does the strata corporation manage their affairs? What facilities are available at that resort? Who do I talk to, to get certain information?

In response to these questions and comments, and many others, we have recently launched a new web forum designed for Western Canadian resort home-owners, purchasers and investors. The web forum, will provide you with the ability to get those answers and dialogue with like-minded people about the Western Canadian Resort market place.

Forums on the internet can be complex affairs at first, but once you have found your way around them and understand how simple they are to participate in they can be invaluable. In many instances, if I am doing research, I will turn to a forum and look for the person on the ground in the area that I am researching who appears to be knowledgeable and writes a lot of posts to that forum. Our hope is that this will become a familiar place to consumers, realtors, developers and strata and property managers alike who can share information on their resort.

As the forum grows in demand we will add in more locations and break out forums into more detail. We hope it will be a useful resource for you,

With regards to new developments this year, Waterscapes stole the show with a very successful launch of their product and now the lakefront homes at La Casa are front and centre, attracting a lot of attention ( In our next article we will start to assess the upcoming ski season and some of the expectations we have for local ski resorts and development opportunities, in the mean time we don’t want to wish the summer away too quickly, so enjoy the fall wine festival and thanksgiving over the next few weeks.

Mark Jennings-Bates is a realtor with Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty and a resort development consultant for international resort projects. His website allows visitors to sign up for eZines and market updates with accompanying analysis. Together with Sally Hollingsworth, Mark offers real estate advice and services to buyers and sellers in the Okanagan region of British Columbia.


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