Sunday, January 18, 2015

Habits to Achieve Your BIG Sexy Goals!

Tom Ferry,, is a real estate coach and trainer. In this video, Tom gives you 3 habits to implement so you can achieve your 2015 goals! ------------- "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." Click here to tweet it out: Are you committed to achieving your goals in 2015? Of course you do--and I want to remind you, committed people, like you and me, got habits that ultimately lead us towards the accomplishment of our goals. It’s the little things that we do every single day that equal that big monstrous hairy, audacious, exciting fantastic goal that you've established. It gives us the power to achieve those big sexy goals! So I want to encourage you and ask you this question: "What new habits are you going to work on this year that would naturally and automatically cause you to achieve your goals?" Now if you are drawing a blank on what to do, here are 3 recommendations for you: 1. Do your daily 5-5-4's. Reach out to 5 people in your database, have 5 new conversations, and have 4 lead follow up conversations. 2. Do daily role playing. Practice what to say, how to handle objections, how to build rapport, how to qualify. The reason you want to do this is so that you’re comfortable and confident in every selling situation and ready to go out and serve more customers. Knowing what to say matters! 3. Use your CRM daily. If that’s not a discipline you currently have, it should be. It's important to know the daily hot sheets so you know what’s going on in the market every single day. You need to know all the new listings, all the expireds, all the sales, all the pending transactions, so you are that knowledge broker. RealEstateTrainingTF via realtor and estate agent training

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