Growing your organisation - a plan for serious roll-out

T hat change puts a n entrepreneur o n a n unfamiliar path. A road t o intense scrutiny b y outsiders w ho want t o s ee mu c h m o re tha n a business a n d sales an d makreting plan.
W h ile th e entrepreneur typically busies thems e lves w i th H R management, sales an d marketing an d o ften production, t h e seri o us si d e o f th e company t hat needs attention i s t o a certain extent ignored. Unusual a nd insecure agreements a r e reached th a t solve a problem initially bu t m a y create a bigger problem furth e r d own th e road.
Eventually, th e business growth meets t he bottlenecks o f limited capacity. Sales a re lost beca u se t he workload dictates scheduling new projects se v eral months f rom n o w. T he entrepreneur works twelve-hour days, seven days p er week. Life fo r th e family o f t h e entrepreneur begins t o ta k e i ts o wn course w ithout hi s o r h e r involvement o r support.
T he challenge faced b y s u ch entrepreneurs i s multi-faceted bu t generally boils d o wn t o a key issue. A s t he creator o f t h e business, t h e entrepreneur h as successfully relied o n hi s o r h er o w n expertise a n d th e hard knocks o f early customer engagements bef o re t h e product w a s polished. Th e entrepreneur built t he business o n personal sweat a nd dedication. Th e entrepreneur's personal reputation i s a s important a s t h e business reputation a t t h is stage a nd disappointing customers c an c a use irreparable damage.
Future growth a n d sustainability requires t h e addition o f key resources i n t h e business. Some t imes, advisers an d consultants wi l l offer advice t o "Learn t o let i t go . Compromise i s t h e natural consequence o f growth a nd relying o n othe r s t o perform i n y o ur business."
Th e entrepreneur n ow needs t o look a t a multi-faceted business consultancy - o ne w h ich provides a solution f o r th e over-taxed an d un d er capitalised entrepreneur. Growth i s t h e goal bu t t he route i s far fro m clear.
T his i s a critical 'make-or-break' stage fo r man y startup businesses. Th e business concept h a s demonstrated i t s viability a n d generated sever a l paying customers. T h e ability t o roll o ut a n d scale u p t o realize th e potential o f th e business requires a new level o f planning a nd th e addition o f resources t o perform t h e work. T he entrepreneur i s n o t "letting go" o f a n ything. Instead, t hey ar e recruiting a n d trusting othe r s t o execute t h e business, preserve th e brand a nd th e core value proposition t o customers.
One innovative company working in this area as business consultants is Dutch Oracle. The team at Dutch Oracle consists of talented and experienced individuals who have worked for many years in Business Developer consulting.
Their consulting opportunity – The MindShift program allows the entrepreneur to engage for a very low fee for a period of three months and witness first hand the changes that the team can influence in a short period of time.
“We see the engagement as an opportunity to get to know the team we are working alongside and influence some very key changes in significant areas that will impact their ability to expand. Far from being a big win for us, it will cover some costs but sets us up alongside the entrepreneur for a potential big win”.
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