Friday, October 13, 2017

Vintage Air Rally | Ushuaia2USA Review by Mark Jennings-Bates

Are you looking for an amazing adventure, check out Vintage Air Rally In this Ushuaia2USA Review video I share my desire to join Vintage Air Rally on their latest adventure. They have put out a request for 15 pilots to join them in unique and vintage aircraft, flying from South America to Florida. Their first Vintage Air Rally was the Crete to Cape adventure that took pilots from the Mediterranean to South Africa. The video shares why I would love to be a part of such an amazing adventure which is why I created a Ushuaia2USA Review video. Head over to the Vintage Air Rally website and check out the amazing videos and photos from their first adventure and what pilots can expect on the upcoming adventure. If you do conduct a Ushuaia2USA Review it should include all available resources including their Facebook page at Please watch the Vintage Air Rally video to the end and remember to like and share the video. Thank you for watching the Ushuaia2USA Review. Ushuaia2USA Review, Vintage Air Rally, Crete to Cape, Ushuaia2USA, Vintage Air Rally review, Vintage Air, South America to Florida,, via realtor and estate agent training
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