Kelowna Real Estate office - how to develop an unimaginable career
At our Kelowna Real Estate office we care about our clients. They, after all are the centre of our world. IF YOU ARE HOPING TO DEVELOP A SUCCESSFUL CAREER IN REAL ESTATE IN KELOWNA, THEN WE NEED TO MEET YOU. As a REALTOR® in Kelowna, you are our client. Our goal as you develop your Kelowna Real Estate Career is to assist you in meeting and exceeding your own goals. As a Kelowna Realtor with a career in real estate, you need to know that we can provide the tools, supplement the skills and above all an environment for you to succeed in Kelowna Real Estate. Our team of valued REALTORS® make us what we are. Not the biggest, but one of the best places to develop your career. We have multiple Kelowna Real Estate offices in West Kelowna, Kelowna, Lake Country and Vernon. If you want to revitalise your career or you are considering a career in Kelown Real Estate sales, contact us today... Ph: 250-861-5122 Em: #108 - 1980 Cooper Road, Kelowna, BC V1Y 8K5 Mark Jennings-Bates via realtor and estate agent training
realtor and estate agent training
Labels: Mark Jennings-Bates