Holy smokes this video ranking software really worked for us
Check this out:
There is a ton of money to be made with video seo. Whether working locally as a marketer or dominating an online niche. The difficulty has been ranking videos. The science is undertandable but in everyday terms, it turns out ot be not so easy.
Well Videorankr, a cloud hosted solution fixes the challenges with an easy to use program that puts video ranking on autopilot...
We have been astounded by how well Videorankr does the job
It is not frequently that you find software that can actually do the job.
We have probably all paid for the shiny bullet that didn't work.
Well that is not true of Videorankr:
Our team has been using this for some time now, and it truly works... we are seeing all kinds of success with ranking videos and we already knew our job before we started using videorankr.
Growing your organisation - a plan for serious roll-out
M a ny startups begin w i th a "solopreneurs", a n entrepreneur performing a l l o f t he essential functions o f t h e business. Businesses th a t provide services t o othe r businesses su c h a s business consulting a n d information technology support ca n establish thems e lves a n d eve n thrive, t o a point. T he tim e c omes howeve r , w hen n o t onl y t he volume o f work overloads t h e individual entrepreneur bu t t h e need f o r capital fo r expansion forces change.
T hat change puts a n entrepreneur o n a n unfamiliar path. A road t o intense scrutiny b y outsiders w ho want t o s ee mu c h m o re tha n a business a n d sales an d makreting plan.
W h ile th e entrepreneur typically busies thems e lves w i th H R management, sales an d marketing an d o ften production, t h e seri o us si d e o f th e company t hat needs attention i s t o a certain extent ignored. Unusual a nd insecure agreements a r e reached th a t solve a problem initially bu t m a y create a bigger problem furth e r d own th e road.
Eventually, th e business growth meets t he bottlenecks o f limited capacity. Sales a re lost beca u se t he workload dictates scheduling new projects se v eral months f rom n o w. T he entrepreneur works twelve-hour days, seven days p er week. Life fo r th e family o f t h e entrepreneur begins t o ta k e i ts o wn course w ithout hi s o r h e r involvement o r support.
T he challenge faced b y s u ch entrepreneurs i s multi-faceted bu t generally boils d o wn t o a key issue. A s t he creator o f t h e business, t h e entrepreneur h as successfully relied o n hi s o r h er o w n expertise a n d th e hard knocks o f early customer engagements bef o re t h e product w a s polished. Th e entrepreneur built t he business o n personal sweat a nd dedication. Th e entrepreneur's personal reputation i s a s important a s t h e business reputation a t t h is stage a nd disappointing customers c an c a use irreparable damage.
Future growth a n d sustainability requires t h e addition o f key resources i n t h e business. Some t imes, advisers an d consultants wi l l offer advice t o "Learn t o let i t go . Compromise i s t h e natural consequence o f growth a nd relying o n othe r s t o perform i n y o ur business."
Th e entrepreneur n ow needs t o look a t a multi-faceted business consultancy - o ne w h ich provides a solution f o r th e over-taxed an d un d er capitalised entrepreneur. Growth i s t h e goal bu t t he route i s far fro m clear.
T his i s a critical 'make-or-break' stage fo r man y startup businesses. Th e business concept h a s demonstrated i t s viability a n d generated sever a l paying customers. T h e ability t o roll o ut a n d scale u p t o realize th e potential o f th e business requires a new level o f planning a nd th e addition o f resources t o perform t h e work. T he entrepreneur i s n o t "letting go" o f a n ything. Instead, t hey ar e recruiting a n d trusting othe r s t o execute t h e business, preserve th e brand a nd th e core value proposition t o customers.
One innovative company working in this area as business consultants is Dutch Oracle. The team at Dutch Oracle consists of talented and experienced individuals who have worked for many years in Business Developer consulting.
Their consulting opportunity – The MindShift program allows the entrepreneur to engage for a very low fee for a period of three months and witness first hand the changes that the team can influence in a short period of time.
“We see the engagement as an opportunity to get to know the team we are working alongside and influence some very key changes in significant areas that will impact their ability to expand. Far from being a big win for us, it will cover some costs but sets us up alongside the entrepreneur for a potential big win”.
It has bееn a while coming, but finallу ѕomeone haѕ crеatеd some software thаt allows уоu tо simply and easilу create 3D motіon graphiсs with a few simple procedures.
VіddyOze animation launсhed today and уоu cаn get a copy at a discountеd pricе оver the next few days here http://jvz2.com/c/283155/176677
If уou arе lіke me, you understand thе рower оf a wеll produced bookend with аnimаted graphics but they are ѕо dіffісult to create and uѕe a lоt оf computеr power. Nо morе headaсhes wіth thiѕ simplе clоud baѕеd solution.
It has bееn a while coming, but finallу sоmeоne hаs created somе software that allows yоu to simply and easilу create 3D motіon graphiсs with a fеw simple procedures.
ViddyOzе animation launchеd today and уou сan get a copy аt a disсounted price ovеr thе nеxt fеw days here http://jvz2.com/c/283155/176677
If уou arе lіke mе, уоu understand the pоwеr of a well produced bookend with animated graphics but they are ѕo diffiсult tо create аnd use a lоt of cоmputer pоwer. Nо morе hеadachеs with thіs simple clоud baѕed solution.
Are you looking for the solution to making creating on a lower budget?
This brand new program is truly outrageous… For years now I have been teaching people how to make videos using smart phones and now, you can combine the ability to film your message inexpensively but bookend it with professional intros and outros.
How does it work? Simple… professional actors and professional scripts were used to create book ends for a huge variety of industries. Simply choose the industry and the actor.
So throw away the cumbersome movie programs, use a real “plug and play” solution…
Did you ever think about how you could make videos for less? Here is the answer
Are you searching for the answer to making videos on a lower budget?
This newly created program is truly incredible… For years now I have been teaching people how to make videos using smart phones and now, you can combine the ability to film your message inexpensively but bookend it with professional intros and outros.
How does it work? Simple… professional actors and professional scripts were combined to create book ends for a huge variety of industries. Simply choose the industry and the actor.
The scripts convert like crazy.
Let the professionals do the work and spend less time and money on creating your "sandwiched" meessage... I love it
How would you love to make money with Kindle eBooks?
It is easier than you might have originally thought.
You see, nearly all people make the same mistake. They spend vast amounts of times writing books that they like but nobody else is looking for, then upload them to kindle and expect them to sell.
There is a little more to it than that, but it is not hard to learn. These guys know how:
Superb new software allows you to make your own digital product graphics
Check out this review of Pixel Studio FX. It is amazing. Finally, we can create our own graphics without having to use someone half way around the world in Fiverr or even worse, learn Photoshop!!
Overcoming fear doesn’t happen instantly or automatically. It is the result of deliberate intention, and conscious action towards doing things that scares you. As a result of overcoming your fears, you grow as a person, and expand the possibilities that surround your life.
Many times when I undertake global endurance adventures I map out the areas that I fear and start to plan a method to overcome that fear.
In the early 1990’s I was involved in a bad rock climbing accident. I remember over the next few days after being rescued from high up a steep cliff thinking that an overdue bill will never bother me again - I just cheated death.
“Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.”
~ His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
One of the many interesting things about life is that nothing of value was ever gained by playing it safe. Take, for example, the founding of America. Fifty-six men risked their lives by signing the Declaration of Independence. Their act of signing that document constituted treason and it was a serious offence according to the laws of the British Empire. However, they knew that they needed to sign that document in order to achieve independence.
To have a life that you love requires some type of risk taking, and stepping out of your comfort zone to confront some of your fears. Let’s face it, the only sure thing in life is the fact that at some point your heart will stop pumping and this fantastic ride will be over.
Mark Jennings-Bates is a Keynote Speaker and Adventurer who entertains audiences with his tales fo adventure and appropriate anaologies from those adventures to assist people in life transforming change in their businesses, jobs and lives. For more information, visit http://www.MarkJenningsBates.com
Love adventure sports, check out my rally team site at http://www.pbrally.ca Grew up climibing, paragliding and ice climbing. Love my wife and children, they make it all worth while. Love my Christian faith, that makes it eternally worth while!